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With over 1800 members who are hepatologists from different areas of expertise (gastroenterology, internal medicine, transplantation, infectious diseases, immunology, surgery), AISF promotes the advance of scientific research and of the clinical practice of hepatology through training initiatives and the exchange of scientific knowledge.
AISF undertakes to strengthen the links between Italian researchers and the European hepatology groups, and it is the reference point for similar associations and institutions, at both national and international level.
In order to best promote its activities, AISF finances the research activities of young hepatologists by means of scholarships and grants.
The AISF Co-ordinating Committee governs the activities of the Association and bears responsibility for the production and supervision of the scientific contents of the A.I.S.F. ECM Provider. It comprises 6 members, elected by the General Meeting, who stay in office for 3 years. The members of the Co-ordinating Committee elect a Secretary from amongst themselves, with a term of office of 2 years.